Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Weird Dreams

As the day has gone on, I have recovered several vivid dreams from last night.

1. The Polyphonic Spree on a boat. I was with my sister and she said they were the Spree, I said they weren't. But then they started singing and I also recognised Tim De'Laughter which was a bit of a giveaway. I had to admit I'd been wrong.

2. A strange dream featuring a puzzle tower, and strange talking coloured evil jelly blobs. Their leader was a white blob, who had a chip inserted in him which made him belief he was Keats. On waking (to wakefulness? to waking whilst sleeping?) I think I was impressed that the story had continued on well from where the chip had started out - probably the Hyperion books. My role in the story is sdaly now lost, but I remember jumping over a high wall to escape from the blobs at one point (with the head blob's chip? with something from the tower?).

Gig review from tonight to follow in the morning.

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